Tree Sale 2024
Spring 2024 Tree Seedlings
Conifer (Evergreen) Tree Seedlings
White Pine- Pinus Strobus
Prefers sandy-loam soils; a void clay-wet soils.
Grows 60 to 100 feet tall, 50 to 80 feet wide; growth rate is 3 to 5 feet per year.
Use: widely used in re-forestations and as planting for shade and as a planting for shade and ornamental. Small seedlings are easily transported; adapts to a great variety of soil conditions and grows rapidly.
Colorado Blue Spruce - Picea pungens engelm. (Rocky Mountain Native)
Winter cover for wildlife
Prefers upland, dry soil
Grows 75 to 100 feet tall
Hardiness zone 2
Description: Striking tree with its foliage; the branches grow in horizontal layers and the needles are pale blue or silver in color.
Concolor Fir - Abies concolor
Grows 75 to 100 feet
Provides winter cover for wildlife
Beautiful ash, gray-brown flattened ridge bark
Prefers dry to moist soils
Hardiness zone 3​
Norway Spruce – Picea abies
Foliage, twigs eaten by White-tailed deer; needles eaten by grouse; winter cover for many specisi
Prefers moist soil
Grows 75 to 100 feet tall with a 1 to 3 foot diameter trunk and spire-topped crown of branches drooping gracefully to the ground.
Sustainable for ornamental planting hedges and windbreaks.
Hardiness zone 2
White Cedar – Thuja occidentalis
Description: Tree grows around 50 feet high with a 2-3 feet diameter trunk. Needles are bright green above and pale green below.
Habitat: Prefers moist soil and organic rich soils.
Use: sustainable for ornamental planting hedges and windbreaks.
White Spruce – Picea glauca
Tree grows 50 to 70 feet high with a 1 to 3 feet diameter trunk and spire-topped crown of branches drooping gracefully to the ground.
Prefers rich moist soils; does not thrive in dry sterile or extremely rich vegetable soil.
Sustainable for ornamental planting hedges and windbreaks
Deciduous Tree Seedlings
White Oak – Quercus alba
Grows 80-100 feet tall with a majestic silhouette.
Prefers moist, well drained upland soils
A favorite nesting tree; provides acorns for feed to turkey, blue jay and ruffed grouse.
Hardiness zone 3
Black Walnut – Juglans nigra l.
A large tree 70 to 90 feet high with 2 to 4 feet diameter trunk forming a open crown of heavy branches and course branchlets.
Prefers moist, well drained soil
Valuable timber tree of the eastern United States
Hardiness zone 3
Sources of information:
Conservation Trees and Shrubs / Pocket ID Guide:
US Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources Conservation Services
Peterson Field Guide to Trees and Shrubs by George A. Petrides
The Morton Arboretum, Chicago, IL Website
Prairie Nursery, Wisconsin Website
Broadleaf Shrub Seedlings
Butterfly Bush - Buddleja davidii
Long-blooming shrub or woody perennial with dense clusters of fragrant flowers.
Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds for pollination.
Grows well in sunny borders and dry, open gardens.
Considered a sub-shrub as it dies back to the ground in winter.
Highbush Cranberry - Viburnum trilobum
Not a true cranberry; part of Viburnum species.
Highbush Cranberry blooms in spring with white clusters of tiny florets, surrounded by larger florets.
Dark green leaves turn purplish-red in autumn, alongside drooping clusters of bright red berries.
The berries soften and sweeten over winter, and are eaten by Cedar Waxwing and other birds.
Pussy Willow - Salix discolor
Short-lived, fast growing native tree or bush; thrives in wet areas.
Silky, furry catkins open in early spring before the leaves branch out to signal spring is along the way.
Used for decorative flower arrangements and dried bouquets.
Small Tree Seedlings
Domestic Apple - Pyrus malus
Round-topped small tree grows 20 to 30 feet; 6 to 24 inch diameter
Can take several years to produce fruit.
Prefers direct sunlight, plant in well drained soil.
Spread from cultivation through the Great Lskes and Canada; attracts deer, pheasans, mourning dove, gray fox and other animals
Dolgo Crabapple
Showy tree usually grows up to 8 to 10 feet tall with a rounded canopy that spreads 10 feet or more.
Thrives in an open location in full sun; prefers acid soil rich in organic matter and well drained.
A highly ornamental tree that fits easily into small yards or as spectacular border along fencerows. Showy, deep pink buds open into fragrant white flowers making it a spring beauty.
White Flowering Dogwood – Cornus florid L.
Small to medium size tree grows 10 to 40 feet with a trunk 6-12 inches
Slender, spreading branches.; white petal bracts bloom in spring before leaves branch out.
Prefers rich, well drained soil, usually under the shade of another tree. Grows slowly but long-living once established.
Game birds, skunk, deer, rabbit, squirrel feed on branch twigs.
Shagbark Hickory - Carya ovata
Tall growing tree reaches 60 to 90 feet; with a 2 to 3 foot diameter
Grows in mature woods, fencerow plantings.
Distinctive light-colored bark; shaggy, long loose strips.
Produces egg-shaped nuts to attract wildlife.
Eastern Redbud – Cercis canadensis L.
Small tree that grows 40 - 50 feet with a 10-15 inch diameter trunk; divided near the ground into stout branches forming a broad crown.
Rose colored linear blooms peak in spring before foliage greens.
Prefers borders of streams and rich bottomlands often in the shade of other trees. Redbud will grow in open sunny yards, as well.
Lovely ornamental tree suitable for town or country growth.