McAllister Road Property
Pennfield Township, Calhoun County, Michigan
Conservation Area: McAllister Road Property-13.2 Acres
Location: Pennfield Township, Section 21
Parcel: 13-18-021-622-00
Street Address: 19016 11 Mile Road, Battle Creek, MI 49014
Conservation Area Description: The property runs along the Battle Creek River on the North Side, there is available space to put in your watercraft at this destination. Most of the property consists of floodplains although, riverside is more dry. It is roughly a 4 mile float downriver to Bailey Park.
Education and Research
Revenue Sources
Rotational timber harvests to manage properties are conducted periodically. There have been no timber harvests at the McAllister Road Property.
Farming Lease Rights/Hunting Lease Rights
This property is leased from September 1st to January 30th for private hunting rights. During this time, visitors are not allowed to hike on the property, for safety reasons.
Calhoun Conservation District purchased the McAllister Road Property in 2003 for the protection of a natural area.