Hart's Lake
Battle Creek Township, Calhoun County, Michigan

Conservation Area: Hart’s Lake – 329 Acres
Location: Battle Creek and Springfield, Michigan
Parcel: 0081-00-310-0
Street Address: Stanley Drive, Springfield, just off the Hill Brady Road
Conservation Area Description
Hart’s Lake encompasses 326 acres, with a 55 acre lake on the property.
Comprised of wetlands, woods, and open areas, much of the land is
dominated by northern red oak and white oak in the canopy. Black Cherry,
Black Oak, Sassafras, Red Maple, Sugar Maple, Pig-nut Hickory and White
Ash trees make it a diverse habitat for bird and animal wildlife.
Recreational use of small, non-motorized boats, kayaks, canoes and row boats are permitted. Catch and release fishing only is allowed on the lake, because of limited shallow areas for fish spawning habitat. Swimming is prohibited, for the safety of visitors and to minimize environmental impact.
Education and Research Hart’s Lake has been used as an outdoor classroom in aquatic and wildlife studies by local, state, and federal agencies. Currently there are two-track trails on both sides of the lake, but access is limited to the casual outdoor enthusiast. Future development plans include a boardwalk and platform to allow better wildlife viewing, decrease off-trail usage, and lessen environmental impact.
Revenue Sources Rotational timber harvests to manage properties are conducted periodically. There have been no timber harvests at Hart’s Lake conducted by the CCD.
Hunting Lease Rights Hart’s Lake property presently is not leased for hunting purposes, due to the local zoning property classification.
Land surrounding Hart’s Lake was utilized for military use dating back to 1917 when Camp Custer was established. After the need for military parcels in the area diminished, lands were transferred to the State of Michigan and the Veteran’s Administration. Calhoun Conservation District purchased the property from Battle Creek Unlimited in 2007, to protect and conserve the land and water diversity found on the Hart’s Lake parcel.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) conducted a fish community assessment of Hart's Lake in 2008. A Hart's Lake Advisory Team, consisting of 16 natural resource professionals representing local, state, and federal conservation organizations created a Hart's Lake Environmental Management Plan to provide guidance for the maintenance and enhancement of the natural features. Click on the image to download or view the Hart's Lake Environmental Management Plan.
Directions and Information
Please contact the Calhoun Conservation District for Hart's Lake driving directions at (269) 781-4867, ext. 5 or e-mail calhouncd@gmail.com.