Calhoun Conservation District
Owned or Managed Properties
Calhoun Conservation District (CCD) owns and/or manages nine properties totaling more than 600 acres of forest, wetland, riparian, and upland habitats throughout Calhoun County. Many of these properties were gifted or purchased with grant funding. All are managed for recreation and natural resources.
Some properties are leased for wildlife management or hunting rights. There are properties that contain valuable timber, and through sustainable forest management, provide funding to continue our programs. Several properties have river/stream access, and many of the properties are utilized by local colleges for natural resource related studies. The properties are intended to be protected for future generations and to be enjoyed by the public as natural areas located in southwest Michigan.
The map below illustrates locations of the properties owned or managed by the Calhoun Conservation District. Click on the corresponding number to the left of the map for specific details of individual properties. For more information, please call the CCD office at (269) 781-4867, ext. 5.