The Calhoun Conservation District (CCD) works with partners to replace or remove barriers to fish passage throughout Calhoun County and beyond. Culverts, dams, lake level control structures, and other identified barriers are removed or replaced with bridges, rock ramps, or fish-friendly culverts that are constructed so that the channel is virtually indistinguishable to the natural stream channel up and downstream, allowing fish and other aquatic organisms to pass freely.
CCD has completed many fish passage improvement projects with numerous resource agencies and landowners. Below are just a few examples.
Garfield Lake Drain
The Garfield Lake Drain outlet contained a lake level control structure and an undersized, perched culvert that inhibited fish passage into Garfield Lake and stream connectivity to Indian Creek. a tributary of the
Battle Creek River. The project corrected both issues by constructing a natural fish rock ramp downstream of the lake level control structure and replaced the culvert with a properly sized and placed culvert, restoring fish passage and connectivity to 222 stream miles.

Lake level control structure and undersized, perched culvert before the project made improvements.

Rock ramp was installed downstream of lake level control structure. Properly sized and placed culvert was installed, after many permits approved. Existing culvert remained in place to serve as overflow.